代表取締役 加登 剛一
Taiei Industries: Innovating Metallic and High-Luminance Coatings
Taiei Industries aims to remain at the forefront of the metallic and high-luminance coatings industry by leveraging our unique expertise and commitment to innovation.
In 1962, we embarked on research and development of metallic coatings, which were considered specialty paints and primarily imported at the time. After years of dedicated effort, we successfully developed our own metallic coatings. Subsequently, we commenced in-house production, and for nearly 60 years, metallic coatings have remained one of our flagship products.
Our long-standing dedication to enhancing the appearance of metallic coatings to resemble actual metal surfaces culminated in 1996 with the development of Metalstar, an ultra-high-luminance metallic coating (metallic-look coating) that far surpassed the aesthetic qualities of conventional metallic coatings.
The following year, in October 1997, Metalstar was adopted for mass production on automotive exterior components. Since then, we have consistently focused on maintaining stable quality and reliable supply to meet our customers' needs.
To address the increasingly diverse demands of our customers, we have expanded our offerings of high-luminance coatings. These include the Various (2005), a pearlescent coating with color-shifting effects depending on the viewing angle, and Stardustone (2008), a holographic, iridescent coating with vibrant brilliance. These innovations have broadened our product lineup and enabled us to provide even more versatile coating solutions.
In 2020, we began full-scale OEM production in Thailand through a partnership with a local factory, enabling localized supply in the region.
As a specialized coating manufacturer, Taihei Sangyo remains dedicated to developing products that deliver customer satisfaction, particularly in the field of high-luminance decorative coatings. We are committed to maintaining consistent quality, ensuring stable supply, and continuously striving to improve our products to meet future challenges and opportunities.
CEO Goichi Kato
社名 Company name | 泰栄産業株式会社 TAIEI INDUSTRIES CO.,LTD. |
代表者 CEO | 加登 剛一 Goichi Kato |
本社所在地 Head Office: | 〒224-0025 神奈川県横浜市都筑区早渕1丁目1番3号 1-1-3, Hayabuchi,Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa 224-0025, Japan |
中部営業所 Chubu Sales Office | 〒501-6331 岐阜県羽島市堀津町横手1-34-1 1-34-1, Yokote, Horitsu-cho, Hashima-shi, Gifu 501-6331 Japan |
資本金 CCapital stock | 1,000万円 10 million yen |
設立 Establishment | 1962年 1962 |
取引銀行 Bank | みすほ銀行綱島支店、三井住友銀行綱島支店、横浜信用金庫センター南支店 Mizuho Bank Tsunashima Branch, SMBC Tsunashima Branch, Yokohama Shinkin Bank Center Minami Branch |
業種 Business Type | 合成樹脂塗料の製造販売 Manufacture and sale of synthetic resin paints |
認証取得 Certified | ISO9001-2015 認証取得 ISO9001-2015 certfied |
販売店 Distributors in Japan | イサジ興業株式会社 H.K.K株式会社 株式会社江口巌商店 NCC株式会社 オーウェル株式会社 株式会社大江 株式会社川柳商店 株式会社佐伯治一郎商店 三枝塗料株式会社 株式会社親和 株式会社大和産商 豊通ケミプラス株式会社 丸石化学品株式会社 萬座塗料株式会社 日之丸塗料株式会社 富士化学塗料株式会社 富士塗料興業株式会社 友和塗料株式会社 |
海外(タイ王国) Thailand | 弊社製品OEM生産パートナー ネクサス スペシャル ペイント & ケミカル(タイランド)LTD. OEM manufacturer of our product NEXUS SPECIAL PAINT & CHEMICAL (THAILAND) LTD. |
1962年7月25日 25 July 1962 | 創業者 加登幹夫が塗料製造を目的として東京都世田谷区瀬田町にて泰栄産業株式会社設立 Mikio Kato, the founder of the company, establishes Taiei Industries Co., Ltd. in Setamachi, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo for the purpose of manufacturing paints. |
1963年1月 January 1963 | 神奈川県横浜市港北区新吉田町へ本社移転 Relocation of the head office to Shinyoshida-cho, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture |
1966年10月 October 1966 | 自動車部品外装部品用アクリル熱硬化型メタリック塗料の開発に成功し量産採用され供給開始、家電メーカー向けにもアクリル熱硬化型メタリック塗料、一般色塗料の供給を開始。 We Succeeded in the development of acrylic thermosetting metallic paints for automotive exterior parts which were adopted for mass production and supply, and began supplying acrylic thermosetting metallic paints and general color paints to consumer electronics manufacturers. |
1975年4月 April 1975 | 東京都品川区池上に東京営業所を開設(現在は閉鎖) Opening of the Tokyo Sales Office in Ikegami, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo (now already closed) |
1978年4月 April 1978 | 岐阜県羽島市に中部営業所を開設 Chubu sales office opened in Hashima City, Gifu Prefecture. |
1980年9月 September 1980 | プラスチック素材用塗料の供給を自動車部品メーカーと家電メーカー向けに開始 Start of supply of coatings for plastic materials to automotive parts manufacturers and consumer electronics manufacturers. |
1986年11月 November 1986 | 本社工場が都市計画により現在地に移転し自動車部品用塗料、家電用塗料の開発製造を強化 Relocation of the main factory to the current location due to urban planning, strengthening the development and production of paints for automotive parts and household appliances. |
1995年2月 February 1995 | 自動車外装部品用 金属調塗料の開発依頼を自動車メーカーより受託し開発を開始 We started development of Ultra bright metallic paints for automobile exterior parts commissioned from automobile manufacturers. |
1996年6月 June 1996 | 金属調塗料フラッシュコート(金属部品用)メタルスター(プラスチック用)の開発に成功 We Successful development of Ultra bright metallic paints Flashcoat (for metal parts) and Metalstar (for plastics) |
1997年10月 October 1997 | プラスチック用金属調塗料メタルスターがハイブリットカー(純正OEM)のホイールカバー向けで採用供給開始 Metalstar Ultra bright metallic paint for plastics available for wheel covers of hybrid cars (OEM) |
2006年6月 June 2006 | 代表取締役社長に加登 剛一が就任する。創業者である前代表取締役社長 加登 幹夫は会長に就任。 Goichi Kato is appointed President and Representative Director. Mikio Kato, the founder and former President, becomes Chairman. |
2009年2月 February 2009 | 品質マネージメントシステム ISO9001:2000 認証取得 Quality management system ISO 9001:2000 certified |
2012年2月 February 2012 | 創業50周年を迎える Celebrating 50 years in business |
2015年1月 January 2015 | 品質マネージメントシステム ISO9001:2015 認証取得 Quality management system ISO 9001:2015 certified |
2020年4月 April 2020 | タイ王国に於いてOEM生産及び現地製造供給販売を開始する。 OEM production and local supply in Thailand begins. |